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WINGS重述娛樂品牌新定義 西部之巔潮流娛樂綜合

时间:2019-09-07 13:28:00 浏览:837次


WINGS, located on the top of the west, above the clouds, possessing God's perspective. Since its birth, there is an extraordinary metaphor, meaning that people will explore and challenge the life through a positive attitude


WINGS is located in the 70th floor of Chongqing's landmark WFC (Chongqing World Financial Center), the skyscraper integrated of International Super Grade A Office, High-end Luxury Hotel, International Famous Shopping Center and Huixianlou Skyview, lying in the core area of business, art, fashion and tourism in Chongqing and even the western region. At an altitude of 590 meters, it is the highest entertainment space in the West China.

立項於2017年年中,籌備歷時552天,總投資逾3000萬元,於2019年1月25號正式試營業,總面積2000平方米共2層,酒吧大廳含32個觀景卡座、5個VIP ROOM、、以及專業級調酒吧台,坐擁渝中半島360度全角視野

WINGS was established in mid-2017, with preparations of 552 days and a total investment of more than 30 million RMB. It was officially opened on 25 January 2019, with a total area of 2,000㎡ and 2 floors. The bar hall contains 32 viewing decks, 5 VIP rooms, as well as professional-grade bar counters, possessing a full 360° panoramic view of Yuzhong Peninsula.

世界級的音響設備,每晚為您帶來放克、靈魂以及浩室音樂,融入3D Mapping技術理念超豪華裝修以及超五星級服務。搭配獨一無二的精緻調酒和稀有烈酒,體驗全重慶最潮流時尚的夜生活。

WINGS has world-class audio equipment, bringing you a variety of music such as FUNK, SOUL and HOUSE every night, incorporating 3D Mapping technology concept, ultra-luxury decoration and five-star service; with unique exquisite bartending and rare spirits, which allow guests to experience the most fashionable nightlife in Chongqing.

攜手新媒體藝術家團隊傾心制作奢華全景式貴賓包廂,是當前全亞洲第壹個擁有最高空VIP ROOM娛樂空間,將數字化體驗與社交平臺連接,將科技與娛樂碰撞,並在其內融入更多極具可玩性元素KINECT超現實體驗互動遊戲,以創新的商業模式顛覆傳統。

Working with a team of new media artists to create a luxurious panoramic VIP box, which is the first entertainment space in Asia to have VIP ROOM located in the highest floor; connecting digital experience with social platforms, technology colliding with entertainment.

現場具有多品類的酒水供應,並且藏有少量全球稀有的珍品,無論您想開一瓶紅酒與她慢慢品嘗著觀賞360度重慶夜景,或者想來一杯COCKTail、whisky or whiskey,感受WINGS帶來的質感音樂,亦或者想開一瓶香檳與好友或美女分享喜悅,皆可滿足。

WINGS has a wide variety of drinks and a small collection of rare treasures. Whether you want to open a bottle of red wine then enjoy the 360° view of Chongqing, or want a cup of cocktail or whiskey,

feel the texture music brought by WINGS, or the desire to open a bottle of champagne to share joy with friends or beauty, all could be satisfied.

WINGS對餐食的出品有著非常嚴厲的苛刻態度,食材的採購與運輸上通過空運在第一時間將萬國的各類新鮮原材料和調味品運至西部第一高樓WFC 70F,通過媲美米其林水平的廚藝團隊現場加工,而後為您呈現極佳的視覺、嗅覺和味蕾享受,再搭配WINGS的美酒,令人不由自主的全身放鬆而享受。

WINGS has a very strict and harsh attitude towards the production of meals. The procurement and transportation of fresh raw materials and ingredients are transported by air the first time from worldwide to the 70th floor of WFC, the tallest building in the west.

The culinary team processes on-site reaching Michelin standard, and then presents you with excellent visual, olfactory and taste buds. Paired with WINGS wines, a full enjoyment and relaxation shall appear.

WINGS 推崇強者自強的贏家態度,積極向上的生活方式和勇於探索和挑戰人生的精神。奉行屹立於天地之間,永不屈服的城市精神,包羅萬象的王者胸懷,改天換地的英雄氣質。相逢WINGS王者遇王者,尊享品質,皆為贏家。

The strong winner's attitude,the positive lifestyle and the courage to explore and challenge life are highly rewarded by WINGS. Pursuing the spirit of cities which standing between heaven and earth and never surrendering, the all-encompassing king's mind, and the heroic temperament of changing the earth. Having a king-to-king meeting at WINGS with the high-quality of enjoyment, you shall be the winner.